Residential Pest Control
Your home should be a safe, relaxing place for you and your family. It is no place for bugs and rodents. Especially if you have kids or pets, pest control is an idea to consider. It may become more than just a mere annoyance, they could pose a health hazard for them if it gets out of hand.
Spiders, cockroaches, spiders, and bed bugs are all around. In fact, the state of New York is home to hundreds of different insect species. Chances are, there are a few within a few yards of you right now!
When the licensed pest control technician arrives at your home, they will perform a thorough inspection of your yard, property, and around the perimeter, taking into consideration any high traffic areas for pests. If inside service is requested, they will treat any areas that are prone to the entering and exiting of pests, especially basements, bathrooms, and anywhere where the plumbing meets the wall.
Initial outside treatments are designed to flush pests from where they hide and breed. Call us today if pests are present on your property.

Trust the Experts
Pest Control is becoming more and more of a necessity for residential areas, especially as outbreaks from pest activity are seemingly everpresent. You don’t have to battle the bugs by yourself or store chemicals at your home. We can come out and do the job right so that you can get back to doing what’s important to you.
We realize that there are products at the store that claim to get rid of everything from wasps to spiders and cockroaches. More times than not, they are a waste of money and time for you. Not to mention, small doses of weak product create amounts of immunity within insects which could create flurries of insect activity instead of eliminating them.
If you need professional pest control, give us a call today at (929) 600-1274.